Friday, May 15, 2009, 4:03 PM

Thanks for "No" thing

James Srodes's book review of 52 TRUTHS FOR WINNING AT BUSINESS WITHOUT LOSING YOUR SELF by Alan M. Webber (of Fast Company fame)contains the following statement, which is enough to make me want to read the entire book:

"Perhaps," the reviewer writes, "the most important rule for these perilous times is, 'Learn to take No as a question.' As he (Webber) says, 'The correct response to a no is 'thank you.' (Webber) adds, 'Take notes. If the person telling you no offers an explanation, listen carefully, listen respectfully, listen to everything he or she says - without agreeing or arguing. ... You may have come for money, but these words can be precious gold. You're getting something rare: honest feedback.'

"No" is not easy to hear for those of us with fragile egos who nonetheless provide professional services and who earn the opportunity to do so by "doing sales." While it's not easy to hear, "no" represents crystal clear communication between buyer and seller. Too often, buyers and sellers dance around the issues and just aren't straight with one another. Consequently, our worlds get wrapped up in "maybe's," which occupy our emotions and brain cells, and very often preclude us moving on to the next opportunity. As I have grown, ahem, more mature, I have come to appreciate a good solid "no" almost as much as a good solid "yes."

Here's a link to the review, found in today's Washington Times:

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